
Your Trusted Digital Escrow pattern Partner!

With zapitel.com you can buy and sell anything safely without the risk of fraud.

What is Escrow

An escrow is a financial agreement between two parties where a third party holds an asset or
money until the terms of the agreement are met.


Buyer’s Benefit

When the seller completes his end of the bargain, the buyer’s funds are released honouring terms of the escrow agreement.

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KYC Verified Users

Buyers and sellers are e-verified upon onboarding.

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Seller’s Benefit

The seller can be confident as the buyer funds the escrow account before the seller releases the merchandise.

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Use cases

No bar to transaction types or value across industries or services.

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Zapitel’s Escrow process

KYC Verification

Buyers and sellers are e-verified upon onboarding


Zapitel oversees and ensures transparent fulfilment of agreement

Buyer Deposits

Buyer makes the deposit to Zapitel’s escrow


Parties create, negotiate & execute the agreement

Buyer’s Acceptance

Buyer approves the goods or services

Unbiased Closure

Zapitel remits payment to seller

Use-cases of Escrow


Physical Goods

Any merchandise can be bought or sold between B2B, B2C and C2C safely and securely with Zapitel’s digital escrow.


Used Motor Vehicles

It frequently happens that a car that seems perfect on the exterior has serious internal problems. The reasonable course of action...


Contractual Services (Architects, Freelancers, Wedding Planners, Caterers, etc.)

Contractual services like architects, freelancers, wedding planners, caterers, etc., where escrow services are used to protect the...


Real Estate Resale And Deposits

Real estate deals are one of the most suitable for escrow services. The buyer can make a good faith...


Marketplaces Like FB Marketplace, Olx, and Quikr.

Escrow services are an essential part of any business and help to ensure a safe and secure transaction for...


Custom Solutions


Why Escrow with Zapitel

smile Advantages of being on Zapitel.com
  • Only KYC/KYB verified users
  • Digital contract creation, negotiation, execution, e-signing, e-stamping; on-the-go from anywhere
  • Quickest TAT in the creation and execution of digital escrows
  • Fully and truly digital escrow creation and execution
  • Round the clock and instantaneous acceptance and disbursal of funds
  • No limitation to creation or in-process escrow transactions

Customized Escrows with Zapitel
